My Thoughts on Revelation 18:4 and Unconditional Election

As a former Roman Catholic - I was thinking about the call of God in Revelation 18:4. I remembered the first time I read the verse from the Good News Translation. Two words that always rang into my head that could link to the doctrine of Unconditional Election is, "My people." Matthew 1:21 says that Jesus will save His people from His sins. Then I started thinking after many years having left the Great Whore of Revelation - could it be possible that I couldn't get out of her if God didn't call me first?

Why do I suddenly start getting myself believing more of Calvinism or Reformed Theology? Aside from the obvious fact that the King James Bible (KJV) was translated by Calvinist scholars known as the Puritans - it's because of the many times "chosen" is mentioned in the KJV. John 15:16 says that Jesus didn't choose the eleven disciples but rather He chose them first. The very idea of chosen for salvation can render the mind numb especially, "If only the chosen are saved then what responsibility will be accounted for those who couldn't believe because they were not chosen?"

Revelation 18:4 has God calling His people out of Babylon. I remembered I was soon told that God called me out of her and not the other Roman Catholics out of her. It even numbs my mind even more to how Unconditional Election really works. Just thinking about the idea that He chose me and I know how many wrongs I've done - it's just really confusing to my fallen flesh! So maybe that's why no matter how some people are witnessed - they still remain in the lies. On the other hand - many are called and a few are chosen. Those who were called out of her were the few who were chosen. I've done so many rotten things yet why would God in His mercy call me out of her? Until now, my fallen mind can't fathom it one bit!

Besides, I even want to think again about Saul's conversion in Acts 9. The more I read it, the more I realize one thing - I don't remember Saul choosing Jesus! Instead, Acts 9:15 shows that Jesus chose Saul to be Paul instead! Saul could have still seen the vision of the risen Christ and harden himself. Instead, he saw the vision of the risen Christ and believed it. He couldn't have believed if it wasn't for this one fact - it was Jesus who chose Saul and not Saul who chose Jesus. Saul couldn't choose Jesus if it wasn't for Jesus choosing Saul first. 

See also: