My Thoughts on Cain's Offering vs. Abel's Offering

There could be the heart problem with Cain. Maybe, the problem wasn't entirely based on the offering as some may suggest. Hebrews 11:4 tells us that by faith, Abel offered a far more excellent sacrifice. With that in mind, maybe Cain didn't give his best to the LORD though it may be possible God already commanded a sin offering. We do read grain offerings in Leviticus 2:1-2 but remember this was before the Law was written. So it's highly possible that God commanded a blood offering and Cain wanted to do it his way.
We realize the problem started in Genesis 3. Do you remember when God told their parents Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge? This was the price they had to pay. Sin was tainting everyone. Both of them couldn't make excuses and God killed two animals to provide cover for their shame. Adam and Eve were probably arguing who blew it as some may suggest. Later, Eve was pregnant with her firstborn. She may have thought Cain was the promised child but man would it really destroy him. It's highly possible they both spoiled him rotten which would ruin him when he grew up. Cain was just the first example of how fallen mankind can get!
So why did Abel offer a far more excellent sacrifice? It's possible to see Abel knew he was a sinner and he needed a Savior. For Cain, maybe he thought his best crops were going to pay for his sin. Reading further, Genesis 4:7 has God warning Cain about sin. "If you do what's right." is the key phrase. It somewhat suggests in some way that God demanded a blood offering. Abel by faith obeyed. Cain wanted his own way and wanted to make it his way. In short, Cain was self-righteous.
1 John 3:11-12 tells us of Cain's jealousy that spiraled out of control. Wicked people as much as they tend to get the praise of the world may envy the righteous as well. Haman envied Mordecai a gatekeeper while he was the king's most trusted official. The Pharisees envied John the Baptist while they held the highest positions. Cain may have thought that his self-righteousness should have been accepted by God. Cain felt it was unfair that Abel's humility was acceptable. This may have been the reason why Cain ended up killing Abel.
Abel would be a picture of Jesus Christ. He was a keeper of the sheep. He gave the best of his sheep. I want to believe that Abel's sacrifice was accepted because it was what God wanted. God wanted a blood sacrifice from the sheep. His heart was right before God and it was an offering done by faith. His offering would probably prefigure the Old Testament blood sacrifices. His death was considered the death of the righteous. Remember the blood of Abel cried to the ground in Genesis 4:10. Fortunately, God gave Seth who still continued that godly line. Out from Seth came Noah which led to you and me. Unfortunately, many choose to follow Cain instead of our ancestor Seth.
What lesson can I learn from this situation? It's all about the heart matter. People don't offer their best or offer their best but are rejected for the reason of the heart. One can give mediocre sacrifices because of the heart. Others may give their best offerings such as huge amounts of money but the motive isn't for God's glory but for self-image. Also, when God wants you to serve Him - He demands that you serve Him not the way you want but the way He wants you to serve Him.