I'm Looking Forward to the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

It's just a few more days and it'll be October or Reformation Month. The Reformation started on October 31, 1517 and now it's 2017. It's already 500 years of the Reformation and that convinces me that the Lord's coming is near. At the same time, I'm convinced of the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 16:18-19 that the Gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church. What should be important that the Reformation is not a way to new Christianity but to bring people back to true Christianity.

I read the Book of Acts, I read through history and here's what. Many times, we see the Church was about to be destroyed. The Jewish communities tried to destroy the community of Jewish Christians but failed. The Romans tried to destroy Christianity but failed. The Roman Catholic institution through the Crusades, Inquisition and Jesuits tried to usurp the true Church but failed. The Muslims tried to destroy Christianity but failed. Many people tried to destroy Christianity but the more they did it the more it grew instead.

The Roman Catholic institution has claimed itself to be the true Church founded on 33 A.D. But what was so amazing that while the Great Whore of Revelation claimed to have given Protestants the Bible but why did she even forbid it from being read? Her priests claim that only they may understand the sacred mysteries and that not anyone may read the Bible. But the late great Martin Luther found the truth in the pages of the Scripture. He worked to translate the Bible from Latin to German so it can be read. Although Johannes Guttenberg was a Roman Catholic but later his invention would be condemned by his religion. Luther placed it into good news some time later to get Bibles printed. These Bibles turned Germany upside down as people started realizing the truth.

As a former Roman Catholic I have no reason to believe that the Pope and his Pharisees succeeded the apostles. I have no reason to believe the Pope is the successor of Peter. Peter was an apostle to the Jews. It was Paul who was sent to the Gentiles. Peter never elevated himself above the others nor did he never claim he saved souls. It's amazing how these Pharisees of Rome claim they do save souls. The idea that mere sinful men save souls is blasphemy. They say God saves through them. No, God saves souls through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastors don't save souls nor do they damn. Pastors only preach the message that's badly required. The apostles compiled the New Testament but it definitely didn't go to the hands of the filthy priests. Those priests claim their predecessors compiled it yet they hid the Bible from the public.

The Reformation unleashed a great revival. It was the time when the Bible isn't only made public but it was also a huge challenge towards the Pope's false claims. You have people who think that the Pope rightfully rules over monarchs. It challenged the Pope. The Reformers all called him as Antichrist not only because Vicarius Filii Dei added up to 666 but also the title itself is a challenge to God. How could the Pope a mere man even claim that God and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ anointed him as king of the world or king of the universe? That kind of claim is blasphemous and Peter made no such claim.

I still think of the Bible and how I couldn't take it for granted. I could imagine how much blood was spilled just to get the Bible out. The pre-Reformation days or the Dark Ages had Christians getting murdered all because they shared the Bible. Luther took the great risk to translate the Bible into German so the Germans could read it. The late John Calvin would later have the Bible translated into more languages. The late William Tyndale was burned at the stake. How many people were put to death just so you could read the Bible. I find the audacity of the Mother of Harlots to claim I should thank her for giving me the Bible all the while she even forbade it from being read for centuries. 

This event is important in the history of Christianity. By understanding the Reformation, I understand how God's truth marches on. If it wasn't for the Reformation I don't think I'd be able to read the Bible today. I'd probably still be a slave of the hellish priest who tells me I should depend on them for my salvation. But instead, I could read the Bible. The Inquisition is one ugly truth that is still insisted on to be a myth. The average Roman Catholic today believes the Inquisition is just a myth all because the priest said so. It's time to get the Bibles out and still continue the Reformation.

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