I Believe Politically Correct Organizations Are Financed by Bribe Money

I just had a thought on past and present events with politically correct organizations and why they engage in selective outrage and selective justice. I don't think that they only do their selective outrage and selective justice based on countries that they feel they could bully (while they leave other countries they can't bully alone even if it's in need of their help because of human rights violations) but also because they are greedy of filthy lucre. 1 Timothy 6:10 warns that the love of money is the root of all evil.

I still think about the dangers of bribery and how it breeds politically correct organizations' selective outrage and selective justice. I noticed how often some organizations give protection to rich criminals. I don't think they defend criminals just for the sake of defending criminals. If a normal street thug or drug pusher (who's not associated with big time drug dealers) without money died I don't they they care about it. Instead, any criminal who has been giving them bribe money is who they want to protect or protest for because that person is a source of their huge source of income. 

The Bible warns of the dangers of bribery. Exodus 23:8 and Deuteronomy 16:19 warn about the dangers of accepting money to pervert judgment. Deuteronomy 27:25 renounces anyone who sentences an innocent person based on bribery. Proverbs 29:4 warns that any king who accepts bribes destroys their kingdom. That's why political correctness is offensive to God because they only care more about money than justice. They would pervert judgment when the price is right but that doesn't make it right before God's eyes. 

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