Politically Correct Crybabies Are Driving Me Crazy

I really hate reading or watching the news these days. The world isn't getting any better. You have politically correct people who say only if Christians were more "tolerant" then the world would be a better place. Worse, politically correct people say Christians are to blame for the world's conditions. They nitpick on the sins of the Christians while glorifying the immorality of the unsaved. That alone really drives me crazy with their double standard. What's worse is that Christians are just there to share the truth of the Gospel, that man isn't basically good and that Jesus is the only Way to the Father then these crybabies reveal how offended they are. They think they have the right not to be offended by the truth even if it was relayed to them in the nicest way possible without diluting the message.

The social media landscape shows how irritating political crybabies are. Many of them commit several acts of online harassment or topic derailment for their pleasure. They even use a lot of curse words and call people who disagree with them to be stupid while flaunting their so-called wisdom (Proverbs 12:15). How often have they reported Christians for harassing or derailing the topic while doing it themselves? I can't count it anymore to how often they cry harassment whenever a Christian shares the truth with them or whenever somebody (Christian or not) disagrees with them or bites back at them. For these guys only they have the rights, only they are right and they have every right not to be offended. They have their bad case of favoritism or selective justice and selective outrage. They're only outraged or what justice done only when it best suits them. That alone makes me want to pull my hair apart with how stupid these people are. They claim to be wise but they became fools (Romans 1:22).

I want to hit my face on the desk whenever I hear of some of the most petty reasons to why people want to sue others. While I don't deny libel could be harmful but why are people suing people over issues where they could have turned the cheek? Libel should only be charged as a higher offense if it was accusing someone of criminal activity and not for mere childish insults. It's stupid how perjury ends up with just a slap in a wrist (even if that crime could have wrongly punished someone) while people who insult others serve jail time. How many people today would sue over trivial matters like a Christian baker who wouldn't bake a cake for a homosexual wedding while homosexuals have the right not to bake a cake for a Christian wedding. Should I sue a restaurant for refusing me service if it's against their principles? There's the right to refuse the customer. Even if it was wrong to refuse a customer they could have just gone to another cake shop who would produce their cake for a homosexual wedding. But no, they just have to show how much of bullies they are with what they do. So where's the right to one's opinion if they can't respect people who don't agree with their views? 

They accuse others of bullying while they are the bully themselves with their abusive mindset. They are just like children who dominate the playground, bully other children but when a bigger bully arrives or when their dominance is challenged by authority they claim themselves to the victim. It's hypocritical to complain that you're being bullied if you're a bully yourself. It's often that people accuse others of being selfish and close-minded while being selfish and close-minded themselves. These people want everyone to conform to their standards but they refuse to make adjustments whenever it's necessary. They are like children who cry and pound if the parents wouldn't buy them the toys they want from a toy store. They cry and shout to get attention. These politically correct crybabies are most likely undisciplined children. It's because today's generation has neglected loving parental discipline. It's because we have parents who spoil the child by sparing the rod of correction. You can say you don't punish because you love them but the Bible calls that an act of hate because true love rebukes error (Proverbs 13:24).

These events alone make me wish the Rapture will take place or that I'd die and go home to be forever with the LORD. But what if there's still the mission to continue the Great Commission? God doesn't shut down anyone until He says so. If there's still the mission to endure these people then I can only rely on God's grace when dealing with politically correct crybabies. 

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