I Find It Ironic How Some Roman Catholics Misquote Mark 7:8-9 to Justify Their Traditions

It reminded me of an encounter I had with a self-proclaimed Roman Catholic apologist (doubt it she even has her formal training seeing how Trent Horn of Catholic Answers or Mitchell Pacwa, SJ are very professional in defending their faith) who may also be a self-proclaimed visionary. She claimed that someone or she saw a vision of the "Blessed Mother" who told her Manny Pacquiao's loss was because of his conversion to the born again Christian faith. After I told her about the whole error she had with Roman Catholic Marian doctrine, not only did she insist that I was insisting to be an "orphan" but also she misquoted Mark 7:8-9.

I found the whole event really mind-boggling because Roman Catholics reject the idea of Sola Scriptura. They think that there's still the need for extrabiblical revelations from apparitions and that the Council of Trent is their final authority. Because they're not even encouraged to read the Bible on their own so there's the tendency to believe any claimed apparition. The Bible warns in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-13 that people who love not the truth will be misled. Since they don't study their Bibles then they're easily misled by unbiblical doctrines. When a Marian apparition appears they immediately commit the very act of worship without knowing it. They claim to just give Mary respect but what they're doing is not the same as the honor Mary deserves. Yes Mary deserves honor but she's not the spiritual mother of mankind. If she was so why hasn't Jesus commanded everyone to take Mary home but only John who was at the foot of the cross? Why doesn't any Gospel require anyone to pass through Mary before they pass through Jesus? 

My latest challenge to Roman Catholics who misquote Mark 7:8-9 is that who's rejecting God's Word to keep their tradition? Whenever I ask them, I only get Scriptures taken out of context. They tend to change their stance. A good example of changing their stance too much is with the Old Testament. Ask them about the second commandment they may say, "That's just Old Testament." but they use the Old Testament to defend their erroneous priesthood where while the priests wear miters but their uniforms are incomplete never mind God commanded priests to be married (Leviticus 21:13) and not celibate. Priestly celibacy is a doctrine of devils (2 Timothy 4:1-3) yet they use the exact same verses pointed to them to describe born again Christians. 

What I can say is that they're just chewing themselves. They take whatever stance is convenient to them. One good example is that they say that born again Christians have a "license to sin" at one moment then say they "don't know how to have fun" when it comes to doing worldly activities. I wonder when will they ever make up their mind? The Roman Catholic institution had so many doctrinal changes all because they don't stick to Sola Scriptura resulting to the problem that they can't make up their mind. Now who's rejecting God's Word to keep their own traditions?