I Find It So Irritating How Abortion is a Joke For Many "Liberals"

Whenever I do my daily Bible reading and reread about how heathen nations have been sacrificing their own children, how the Pharaoh at the beginning of the 400 years of affliction ordered the Hebrew baby boys to be thrown into the river, how Athaliah could murder her own family just to keep herself in power or how Herod the Great massacred male children two years and below - I feel disgusted about it. What should be hypocritical today is that we've got atheist unions who use pagan religion's human sacrifice system as barbaric and inhumane (So much for teaching survival of the fittest then!) while many of them endorse abortion as perfectly normal and okay.

The idea that abortion isn't murder defeats common sense and scientific knowledge. If the fetus is just a blob and not a living being when why does the mother feel the child kick inside the womb or why does the "blob" grow or why is there a heartbeat? Scientifically speaking the fetus is alive and kicking inside the mother's womb but it's not yet ready to get out. For those who want to call the Bible a "book of fables" here's something that the Bible says about abortion:

Exodus 21:22
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

Did you read that? The death of a pregnant woman should be considered double homicide so why are pro-abortion "liberals" saying that abortion isn't murder or taking away a life of an innocent person? It's stupid to condemn the death of a pregnant woman as double homicide without considering abortion as murder. Even the result of abortion already shows that it's a living human being. It wasn't just a "blob". It was a living human being that was killed in the process. It had a heartbeat so why are those pro-abortion proponents thinking that abortion isn't wrong? Just thinking about the disgusting pictures of aborted fetuses makes me puke that I refuse to fill this blog with unsightly images of them. It's no different than reading about child sacrifice done by ancient civilizations in the past. If I couldn't even imagine all the child sacrifice done to pagan gods then we've got that horrible sacrifice continued. Rachel may be weeping even harder because now women subject themselves to willful abortion. 

Another really valid reason why abortion is on demand are because those stupid parents who think that nothing's wrong in sexualizing their children. There are overly liberated parents who have almost zero scruples to govern their children. We have mothers who think it's perfectly okay for their teenage daughters to engage in wanton behavior and dress like the world. They think that teenagers should be allowed to engage in emotional relationships when it's really too soon, too young and too painful. The teenage years are not the best time to get involved in a relationship because of the immature mindset. They think it's okay to sexualize their children then they start wondering where they went wrong when teenage pregnancy happens. A great quote by the late Arthur W. Pink is as follows: 

"Again, if lustful looking be so grievous a sin, then those who dress and expose themselves with desires to be looked at and lusted after—as Jezebel, who painted her face, tired her head, and looked out of the window (2 Kings 9:30)—are not less, but even more guilty. In this matter it is only too often the case that men sin, but women tempt them so to do. How great, then, must be the guilt of the great majority of the modern misses who deliberately seek to arouse the sexual passions of our young men. And how much greater still is the guilt of most of their mothers for allowing them to become lascivious temptresses."

Whenever these foolish mothers start to wonder where they went wrong all I can tell them is that there's nothing cute about sexualizing their daughters. It's stupid to think that nothing's wrong with premarital sex or teenagers dating each other while complaining about the consequences of such actions. Some people today only want salvation from the consequences of their sins rather from their sins. It's stupid to complain about God's declaration of His rules over sins while complaining about the consequences of what God forbids. These foolish mothers are no different. If they're teaching their daughters to be lascivious temptresses then they don't have the right to complain when teenage pregnancy, lawsuits from women whose homes were broken or out of wedlock pregnancy comes to their daughters. It's like people who complain about penalties for certain actions but complain when they become victims of certain actions that were penalized. Sin will always have its consequences that's why God hates sin because it will make Him send the sinner to Hell. Sometimes, I want to say that God loves the sinner but hates the sin. He loves the sinner so much to warn them about sin. But one day He will send the unsaved sinner who died in theirs sins to Hell because His holy nature demands it. 

If sexual purity and traditional sexuality were taught then we'd have less problems with teenage pregnancy. If schools would no longer allow people to engage in romantic relationships at such a young age then we'd have less cases of underaged out-of-wedlock mothers who can't even find a job to support their children. If we've had more awareness to the consequences of abortion then those who have committed the blunder of sex outside marriage won't try to right their wrong with abortion. I could see the demand slow down because people will see its ugly consequences. They must be informed that abortion has real tragic consequences that can also increase the risk of cancer or even kill the pregnant woman in the process. I'm glad for those who have repented of this horrible sin. I'm glad that there are women who repented of their abortion or people who repented of participating in this horrible ritual. The grace of God gives real power against sin, makes people see the horrible power of sin and thank God that repentant people can be delivered from the power of sin by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. 

Have you committed abortion or been its participant? It's not too late for you to repent and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You're a dirty sinner and there's nothing you can do about it. Only Jesus Christ can deliver you from the grip and power of sin and change your life for the better. Will you let him?