It's Hard For Me to Put the Bible Down

The more I read the Bible the more I don't want to put it down. The more I read the Bible the more I seek to understand it even more. The Bible gets to me and I can't put it down because it's the Word of God and I've been regenerated from hating it to loving it. I remembered how much I said that the Bible wasn't important. But the more I got into it after I got saved the more I couldn't put it down. Why do I want to put it down when it was the very book that revealed to me the ugliness of my sin and my need for salvation?

People can go ahead and say I'm crazy for sticking by the Bible. They contradict themselves to say I can't trust the Bible because it was only written by man. Well who wrote their textbooks and newspapers? Don't tell me that atheist writers and religious figureheads aren't mere men? It's double standard stupidity with people who criticize the Bible but never question the writings of flawed men that disagree with the Bible. 

The reason why I love expository preaching is that you can't have enough of the Bible. Expository preaching seeks to dwell deeper into the meaning of Scripture in its context. The Bible's analysis happens with both figurative and literal language. The Hebrew and the Greek are important in understanding what the Bible says. The more I get into Scriptural exposition the more I find there are several things I still don't understand. The more effort I exert into understanding Scripture the more beautiful it gets because of the life lessons one can learn and apply.

Now I can't be satisfied with just a daily reading plan of a few verses. That's milk for the newborn Christian. Since Christian growth is inevitable the longer the Christian lives, the more it becomes desirable to get into the meat of the Word of God. It's time to chew on the Word of God. After reading cover to cover, I want to do some slow reading and understand what I fail to understand. The Bible is really outgrowing me because it shows me what God wants me to know.