A Piece of My Mind on Unsaved Jews Asking Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to Build Their Third Temple

I'm just amazed at how many Jews until now continue to reject the Lord Jesus Christ as their only Messiah. You even have Pope Francis telling them that they don't need to be born again. I'm sorry but the Bible clearly states that whether you are Jew or Gentile that you must be born again (John 3:3). John 8:44 has Jesus calling the unsaved Jews as children of the Devil because they're not saved. By today's incredibly stupid standards anybody who speaks against the Jewish faith could be charged with anti-Semitism. By postmodern standards, Jesus can be charged with anti-Semitism.

When I think of the possibility of a Third Jewish Temple, I just want to go on a Rapture hype. I want to start setting dates but I couldn't forget how December 21, 2012 four years ago was another false Rapture date. I guess some people expected the Trumpet to sound last December 21, 2012 and there was no Trumpet. I wished it happened last December 21, 2012 but that would nullify what Jesus said that no man knows but the Father only.

The Third Jewish Temple would be a symbol of Israel's continuous rebellion against God's only provision through His Son. God preserved Israel and He's not done with it yet but a lot of Jews still continue to go their own wayward way. Jews who have converted to Christianity may have been disowned by their families. Jesus already warned the Jews of His day of the possibility of them being set against their families. Their continuous rebellion is making way for the Antichrist and his New World Order. It's a good thing some Jewish people are already saved by the grace of God. But sadly, most Jewish people aren't saved and will be in for a big surprise when the Antichrist will inevitably desecrate the Third Jewish Temple. 

But the worst alliance that Israel could get into would be the European Union and the Vatican. In the past, some Reformed preachers thought of the Pope as the Antichrist. A more futurist view of prophecy suggests that the final Pope could be the Antichrist or for some the False Prophet. In my own view, I both have a historical and futuristic view of Biblical prophecy where today we see prophecy happening giving way to the futuristic view to be fulfilled. Right now, things are just getting riper and riper each day for God's wrath to fall upon the Earth. It's all part of prophecy and the Bible is getting fulfilled whether you believe it or not!