This Quote Made Me Slam My Head on the Desk!

It's really stupid how today's people get the dumbest quotes from Bible teachers like Joyce Meyer and Paula White. Like I said, I used to listen to Joyce Meyer back then but good thing I didn't listen to Paula White. Aside from her heresy of "binding Satan", all I want to tell her is, "If you kept binding Satan, who keeps loosening him?", I really found this quote to be so annoying. She's telling people that if anybody tells you to deny yourself, that person is from Satan.

If that's the case, then Jesus must be from Satan because he said in Matthew 16:24, Mark 10:21 and Luke 9:23 that if you are to follow Him then you must deny yourself first, take up one's cross (which means you must be even willing to follow Him to death) and follow Him. Although these are not prerequisites to salvation but these definitely are the the marks of the true believer. Getting saved means denying yourself, only pleading guilty before God as a repentant sinner and receiving Jesus Christ as one's Lord and Savior. The saved man then takes up one's cross and follows Jesus as a result of salvation.

I really can't help but say, "How is she reading the Bible and analyzing it?" That's the problem with using easy-gesis over exegesis. When people decide not to study the Bible in context or even the verses in their meaning then you get a lot of faulty interpretations. Cults that use the Bible discourage people from reading and studying the Bible for themselves because their foundations are built on easy-gesis. I don't know how long I can take it with all the Scriptures taken out of context preaching going on but God is able!