My Question to Those Who Question the Bible But Obey Certain Men Blindly

People love to use the excuse that the Bible was written by man so why should they believe it. I throw the answer to ask them on who wrote all their textbooks. This creates a really bad case of double standard. 

Atheists say that they reject the Bible because man wrote it. They mock it because it's only written by man but wait... many of them don't even bother to question the writings of great atheists. Let any famous atheist write a book and they're going to applaud it as Christians applaud Scripture. Don't tell me that those who wrote their books were not men? 

The other group that I'd like to raise up are those who reject Sola Scriptura while claiming to be Christian. Many of them say that the Bible is only written by men, they say that Sola Scriptura is self-refuting (and they misquote obvious verses that support Sola Scriptura) but they put their faith on religious leaders and councils. A good example is how the Bible is downplayed and the figurehead of their religion like the Pope or executive minister ends up having the final say over the Bible.

People mock the Bible because it condemns their sin. Society is more careful not to offend anyone but God. Even if they say that there's no God but they know He's there (Romans 1:18-22). They don't want to retain God in their knowledge so they say that the Bible's only written by men. But by upholding the writings of other men they're just contradicting themselves.