I'm Afraid Some Pastors Have Too Much Pride and Too Little Love!

There's the statement that you can tell the truth without loving but you can never be loving without telling the truth. Sometimes, pastors can lose that balance. It's good to have pastors who are serious about attacking any kind of sermon like Joel Osteen's prosperity gospel or the late Robert Schuller's self-esteem teachings. If becoming too soft and preaching an easy gospel is misguided then one must be careful about the other extreme opposite. 

When a pastor decides to become cheesy and offensive as possible with every known method like screaming, using selected unsightly images (ex. censored out pictures, aborted fetuses to name a few) for their digital and printed media, offensive caricatures of Jews and conspiracy theories then that's just as equally misguided as easy believism. The problem of having a cheesy and offensive preacher is that this pastor might be in the danger of abusing his authority. 1 Peter 5:3 says, "Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock."

There's a hard message to proclaim to a group of hard-headed people. I don't deny that the Bible commands that the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached 100% no matter how offensive it is. On the other hand, even if there's a hard message to proclaim but one must also be gentle and loving at the same time towards unbelievers. Christians are called to rebuke sin not out of spite but out of love. To start quarreling with unsaved sinners only hardens them. Remember, the hard message is hard because they're still in their pride. Their hearts are still the bad soil that needs to be prepared before the Word of God can ever take effect. It's can be very easy to preach a hard message but not to preach it in love. The reason is most people prefer to laugh at God's warning and rejection is to be expected.

What many fail to think is that quarreling with people doesn't work as much as watering down the Gospel presentation doesn't work. If watering down the Gospel doesn't address sin but only love, the other method attacks the sin without any concern for the lost sinner. It ends up in such a way that when a pastor has too much pride and too little love, this pastor could end up like Steven Anderson who's declared so much hate. As much as homosexuality is sinful but to call for the deaths of homosexuals is not biblical. Everyone must hate the sin but love the sinner enough to tell the the hard truth about sin and that Jesus is the only Way. It's very easy to be too full of pride and too little of love. That kind of mentality makes it even more difficult than usual to preach to the lost sinner. While being gentle and loving while delivering the hard message isn't a guarantee for acceptance but it's certainly a guarantee that there would be at least a few who would get converted.