Trying to Migrate to Calvinism Is a Lot Harder Than I Imagined

I can't deny that I started with a neither Calvinist nor Arminian view. Not all preachers that I like were Calvinist. David W. Cloud of Way of Life Literature admits he's a non-Calvinist. While he admits he can accept a Calvinist Christian as family but he's still convinced that some parts of Calvinism are serious error. Harry A. Ironside and Aiden W. Tozer also didn't accept Calvinism. But there's one preacher that has been admired by Calvinist Christians and non-Calvinist Christians alike namely Charles H. Spurgeon. Some non-Calvinist Christians may still like Arthur W. Pink, Paul Washer, John F. MacArthur, Robert C. Sproul Sr. and other Calvinist preachers in spite of the difference of having a Calvinist and a non-Calvinist view.

In my case, I really still have my problem with the doctrine of election. While it does somehow keep me humble but it does keep my mind confused. Election itself has been viewed by some as discouraging missions or may discourage you from praying for the lost. 

But there's a lot of Calvinism's history more than one can imagine. Calvinist scholars such as the Puritans were responsible for a lot of classic literature and the translation of the King James Bible. After learning that the King James Bible was translated by Calvinist scholars and many hymns were written by Calvinists make me want to become a Calvinist. After reading the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, the more I'm convinced of jumping aboard S.S. Calvinism. I know it's going to be a tough journey especially Calvinists have had a history of rough persecution but I'd rather be an outcast and be right with God than to be loved by the world which hates God.

I don't really want to argue much about Calvinism vs. non-Calvinism. If Cloud would embrace as a Calvinist as family if that person shows signs of true conversions, I have no reason not to embrace non-Calvinist believers as a Calvinist or to embrace Calvinist believers as a non-Calvinist. I don't think it matters too much. Some non-Calvinist pastors may still honor Calvinists without actually being Calvinists. Their reason is because Calvinism isn't a perfect view either. Calvin also made some mistakes like he believe Mary never had children with Joseph plus I don't agree with his hyper-historicist view of the Antichrist. While I could agree that the Pope is an antichrist but I can't agree that the Papal Dynasty is the Antichrist.