I'd Rather Be in a Smaller Church That Preaches the Truth Than Big Churches That Preach a Lie!

Many people today can brag that a pastor has a whole lot of followers. They can say that one mark that God mightily moves is that a lot of people join it but is it really the case? After watching Ray Comfort's two videos "True and False Conversion" and "Hell's Best Kept Secret", nothing has been more horrifying to learn that a lot of massive conversions weren't massive conversions. In truth, you can get many to sign a decision card, to walk the isle, say the sinner's prayer but they never get saved. That conversion was a sham to begin with (1 John 2:19).

A church can have a lot of attendants but one must ask whether or not the members are truly converted. The problem of bragging about numbers is that Matthew 7:13-14 says that more people are wrong than are they in the right. The whole world is wrong and only God can make things right. You can go ahead and think that the more attendants a church has the better but one needs to consider that they may not be preaching the truth. Remember, only a few people will ever enter the narrow way to life and everybody else is in the broad road to destruction.

One good reason I'd rather be in a smaller church that preaches the truth is because I'd rather have God's truth than man's error. Just because plenty of people believe a lie doesn't change the fact that it's still a lie. A lie will always be a lie even if more people believe it. If you take a good look at history, people who oppose the lies the majority believe in usually suffer rejection. You go against popular opinion then you can expect to be like the prophets of God.

There's always the comfort for the people in the narrow road. The road gets narrower and narrower yet it's still wide enough for Christians to walk into. The way of life may be full of difficulty but God gives grace to the Christians to continue. If you're truly converted then you can't completely fall away because God's grace is there. I'd rather be in the unpopular crowd that holds on to the truth because the truth will eventually prevail over the lie. A lie may travel faster than the truth but it also leads to ruin. Thank God for small remnants of people who are truly Christians and not just a bunch of phonies.