Giving a Piece of My Mind on "Venial Sins'
I remembered I was told that there are two kinds of sins: mortal sins which make you lose your salvation and venial sins which won't make you lose your salvation. If I can remember it correctly, they say that venial sins will still get you into Purgatory since that non-existent place was supposedly made to purify saved souls who have died in the state of grace. Sorry to say but the Bible has a much different idea than that. Works salvation usually says you're perfectly fine if you keep most of the Ten Commandments. But that is not what the Bible says.
The Bible says in James 2:10-11 that if you ever break even one of God's rules, you've broken the perfect standard of the Law. Let's take the illustration of the sinner tied by a ten knotted string. It doesn't matter which knot you cut, the sinner falls down to Hell. Romans 3:10-19 shows the heavy price of sin. All have sinned and there's none righteous. Before a holy and righteous God, no one can say that all they did was a venial sin so He shouldn't send them to Hell.
I always had this frightening thought of sinners who'll tell God, "No don't send me to Hell with that person. He stole gold and I stole brass." Listen, God doesn't care if you stole brass and he stole gold. If God tells you not to steal, even the smallest piece of copper or candy you've stolen was more than enough to damn you to Hell. While sin has varying degrees in terms of how authorities should punish them but one must remember that God won't allow any sin in His presence. The unsaved person who's guilty of littering is going to Hell with the habitual murderer who's obviously not saved.
The solution over every sin and deliverance from them is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if God won't allow any of the slightest sins in His presence, there's still forgiveness and restoration. 1 John 1:9 promises that true repentance of one's sins to God will not only result in forgiveness but cleansing in all unrighteousness. People miss a spot when they're cleaning but not God. God's cleaning program guarantees deliverance from sin's power to living life for Christ.