Giving a Piece of My Mind on Why Political Correctness Leads to Massive Confusion

Today, people demand that I be "politically correct" or else. But what I can say about political correctness is that it's nonsense. The picture above shows what it is about. It's really all about conforming to what is wrong or right according to politics rather than by the Word of God. They say they're "open minded" but I'm not free to express my thoughts if it's against them. I'm not even allowed to explain why I'm against activities like homosexuality and abortion. Worse, I'm accused of "extremist activities" whenever I declare the truth that's from the Bible even if I'm not endorsing activities like the destruction of night clubs and murdering of homosexuals. Common sense, decency and morals are removed whenever they offend popular opinion.

The politically correct crowd are best described as easily bullied by the opinion of the majority and trying to please everyone just to be popular. It reminds me of what headaches Moses had with the crowd of several rebellious Jews that's now paying the price of their actions in Hell today. It reminds me of how the prophets of the Old Testament were rejected because their message wasn't politically correct. Jesus warned His followers that if you're going to follow Him then don't expect the world to love you (John 15:18-19). Christians get persecuted because their message is not politically correct. 

Considering the recent event of a homosexual bar that was destroyed by an ISIS terrorist, I'd like to bring up homosexuality yet again. This meme shows how confusing it must be to be a "liberal". For example, why are some of these "liberals" (better called vile people, Isaiah 32:5) opposed to genetically modified food because it's not natural all the while thinking that transgender people are now the opposite sex? They think genetically modified food is harmful because it's modified but they think that becoming a transgender is just harmless?

The losing of one's common sense happens in a very bizarre and idiotic way. Whenever a homosexual becomes a "transgender" they immediately say the person is now the opposite gender. But what can't be denied is that their genetic structure still remains as male or female. Were those breast implants natural? No. Lifelong hormone therapy is no different than genetically modified food because they're both fighting against the laws of nature. The problem isn't technology itself. Rather, the problem is in the evil in the hearts of unsaved men that take technology to the wrong direction. Technology that could have been used to save an unborn baby could be used to abort it before it can even be born. Technology that could have given some help for disabled people could also cause able people to be disabled. Technology that could have been used to fix severe disfigurements from accidents could also be used to perform those wicked "sex change" operations. It's all about the evil in men's hearts and not technology itself. Technology is a wonderful gift that God allows men to have but sinful men make it a horrible gift because they're in rebellion against God.

Political correctness leads to double standard in just everything. It's okay for non-Christians to attack Christians with bad behavior while teaching them to be kind to others. Christians are told to be kind even to people who least deserve it and to preach the truth in love, not force it down their throats. Yet these "liberals" continue to insist that Christians are forcing them to accept the latter's opinions when it's the other way around. They say that they only "talk normal" with "civilized people" and Christians aren't "civilized" in their wicked point of view (John 15:18-9, James 4:4). So what happened already to their insistence in following rule of "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you?" They force Christians with their stupid ideals yet they don't want Christians to even preach to them the truth without forcing the truth down their throats. This is a huge compromise of one's decency. They dare to teach decency but they're indecent themselves. Even their fashion statements proves that they don't value decency. Who in the right mind would dangerously pierce one's tongue risking infection or put holes on one's cheek and risk infection in the process? Many of them disobey the basic rules for decency to the point of utter disgust. 

It's just like how Mordecai was misrepresented as an "arrogant Jew" by politically correct people for not reverencing the wicked Haman. It was politically correct to treat Haman like a god but Mordecai as a saved man would choose to please God than man. Mordecai was a man who loved God and did what was right even if it meant his own death. Sad to say but in today's world, there are more Hamans winning and some Mordecais have been hung in the gallows for simply sticking to what's true. Do you know how many Christians end up getting executed for not conforming to political correctness like Mordecai did? Paul was beheaded at Nero's command. James the Lesser was beheaded at the order of Herod Agrippa. John the Baptist was beheaded for criticizing Herodias' incest and adultery with her half-uncle Herod Antipas. Peter went to jail several times for preaching the Gospel and some suggest he was soon sentenced to die by crucifixion during Nero's reign. The Foxe's Book of Martyrs show many examples of Christians who were executed for not bowing down to the Pope or conforming to Roman Catholic idolatry. They chose to be biblically correct than politically correct. 

Political correctness is making people more and more stupid while thinking they're the smartest people as the days go by. Proverbs 12:14 warns, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise." It's an observation that almost any man can make that stupid people profess to be wise (Romans 1:22). Evidences of such stupidity can be observed in incidents like death penalty is considered murder while the rights of murder victims aren't considered, that abortion is considered a "humane procedure" while condemning acts of brutality towards children, selective justice is okay as long as it's in one's favor but not okay if it's not in your favor and like how many scientists today are seeking to defy the laws of science. That's just a few of the many stupidities that this world has gotten itself into. Remember that political correctness caused Pontius Pilate to release Barabbas a criminal over Jesus who did nothing. Because Jesus was a victim of political correctness then Christians will too become victims of political correctness. 

Wise King Solomon also warned in Ecclesiastes 1:17-18 says, "And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." Considering the context of Ecclesiastes, Solomon wrote the whole book for the same reason why David wrote Psalm 51 - it's in the context of repentance. He knew he was a fool. God appeared to him twice yet he didn't answer. He knew now that his mistakes were eating on him and when he compromised with his many women he married for political reasons that he was displeasing God. I guess Solomon became a fool because he was carved into peer pressure not only by his wives but also his peers. That mistake was soon repeated by Rehoboam who took advice from his peers rather than from Solomon's advisers. Rehoboam's foolish decision to embrace political correctness divided the kingdom into the north and the south. Whenever the kings of both kingdoms were politically correct it brought the nation down. The Northern Kingdom of Israel had its judgment for political correctness then the Southern Kingdom of Judah followed for the same reason.

The problem of gaining more knowledge in a politically correct world means I'm going to be bullied by a world that's dominated by stupid people. These are stupid people who profess to very wise even when evidence says otherwise. They can have all the worldly knowledge in the world but without God they're just a bunch of people headed for Hell. To gain and embrace more knowledge of the truth means to go against the popular lies of today's society. Even when evolution is debunked by basic facts in biology yet most people buy it because lies travel faster than the truth and that lies are usually more accepted than the truth. I thought that if I became wiser I become less sorrowful and more accepted by everyone. But instead, there is much grief and sorrow because the world tends to embrace foolishness as wisdom. What's worse is that the more stupid people are, the wiser they think they are and they think that those who are really smart are stupid and vice-versa. Why people choose to reject knowledge and wisdom is because they just want to have a good time (Ecclesiastes 7:2). Jeremiah 16:7-9 has the prophet Jeremiah to avoid feasting with fools.

The sad end of political correctness is this. Matthew 7:13-14 says, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Jesus warned that the majority is wrong not because they're the majority but because they're following what's not right. You may go ahead and say that's harsh but God said it. You may say it's idiotic and Jesus wasn't like that. They just don't know the Biblical Jesus. The only Jesus they know is a Jesus that they have imagined Him as a person who's loved by everyone. They tell me only if I were more like their Jesus the world will love me. But I want to be more like the Jesus of the Bible even if I know the world's going to hate me.

Many people think that just because "everyone is doing it" then it must be right. But again, since when did God ever listen to the voice of people based on their votes? You can't show me one instance in the Bible that God changed His mind on what's wrong and right based on people voting for it. Many Jews still today still reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior but that hasn't changed God's mind. Many people today still keep the same stubborn attitude of the Jewish people concerning the Lord Jesus Christ because it's not politically correct. But thank God for a few Jews and a few of every nationalities that ever repent of their sins and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The Book of Hebrews is a very comforting book considering that it was written to Jewish Christians. They were a minority and outcasts in their own country. They were no different than the rest of the Christians everywhere who suffered persecution. 

Come judgment day and there's going to be people who's going to try and smooth-talk Jesus Christ the Judge. Matthew 7:21-23 warns, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? And in thy Name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Notice the words, "I never knew you." Such people were not even saved to start with. These people were evident to be unsaved by them as workers of iniquity. The evidence of their being unsaved is that they're workers of iniquity who try to cover it up by doing all the "good" then can but all their righteousness can't win salvation (Romans 3:10-19, James 2:10-11) because God's standards are much higher. Many people today think that they can sin all they want and "make up for it" by doing good works. But their good works aren't really good in the godly sense because they're just there trying to bribe God instead of living a life of good works by God's grace (Titus 2:11-14).

I could imagine that what if on Judgment Day, these people will say God is unfair and that He should be listening to the majority. I could only imagine Him saying something like, "Man, I made you and I make the rules for you to follow because I know better of what's good for you and you don't. You want to sin then you must accept its consequences too." God is God and He won't go against His holy nature. He's holy and He can't sin and He's perfect so He can't be wrong. Man is unholy and imperfect and needs God's grace to become holy and perfect. But again, how many people still choose to reject God because it's politically correct? Sad to say a lot of them still choose to be politically correct than biblically correct.