Giving a Piece of My Mind on Evangelizing Muslims

With Ramadan having started last June 3, 2016 I feel like giving a piece of my mind on evangelizing Muslims. There's the refugee problem and the chances of satanic infiltration can be very high. Where there's sin, Satan is at work. Satan may not be all-powerful but one can't underestimate his cunning or that demons are everywhere. Islam is no different as every unsaved person is heading for Hell because they reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

I remembered Dr. John F. MacArthur's sermon "Death, Terrorism and the Middle East" and I'm still thinking of the closing part of the sermon. He said, "This is where you start: show some love and give the Gospel to the Muslim. They need Christ; they're not your enemy, they're your mission field. You should have no attitude toward them except compassion and love for a people trapped in a religion of deception and damnation. If you know Arabic people, if you know people who are Muslim, tell them there is a Savior. Tell them there is forgiveness. You're missionaries, and this day I think we realize the world ahead of us isn't going to be like the world we've just come out of. It's time to be serious about eternal things."

I know that the Koran supports Muslim terrorist activities. Daily, I see how the Koran's teachings are well-applied by Islam. Muhammad was a terrorist, an adulterer with several mistresses he counted as "wives" and a pedophile whose youngest mistress was only nine years old. Islam is no religion of peace and during 9/11 one can see how it's disrupting world peace. I even dare to believe that Islam could be the Rider of the Red Horse in Revelation 6. I even think of all the Vatican and Mecca concordats (if any) may be responsible for several world events. But the issue is that if Muslims will treat me as their enemy, I am obliged to love them enough to tell them the truth about Jesus Christ and to return their evil with kindness.

Matthew 5:43-48 and Luke 6:27-35 teaches Christians to love their enemies and to do good to them that hate them. Proverbs 25:21 and Romans 12:14-21 says return evil with kindness. Muslims are commanded to treat Christians as their enemies and to pursue them relentlessly. Christians are commanded to love those who antagonize them. Treating evil for evil only perpetuates the cycle. As much as Jesus warned He didn't come to bring peace but He also taught His disciples to love those who hate them. That's part of how Christianity ended up flourishing in persecution because God's grace makes the Christians love those who hate them.