The Hurtful Response I Get When From Roman Catholics When I Tell Them That They're Not Saved

I remembered when I started telling Roman Catholics the sad truth that they're not Christians, that they're on their way to Hell and that they're living a lie. The reaction from them is usually unpleasant and it's expected. I could imagine the wolf is either the Roman Catholic priesthood, the Roman Catholic system, sin or Satan himself. The sheep in the picture are the Roman Catholic faithful. The man in the picture is any born again Christian who loves Roman Catholics enough to tell them that they're about to be devoured into an eternity without the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many Roman Catholics today are just PLAIN STUBBORN even when the truth of Scripture is already as bright as day. Even if the they were given the Gospel and discussed with nothing but the Gospel according to Jesus. You give them any warning that they're headed for Hell, that they're in the wrong and that they can know how their sins can be forgiven but they act like the ungrateful sheep that kicks out the man of God. I guess many Roman Catholics are too comfortable with their priests who are actually wolves in sheep's clothing. They think that the born again Christian or Protestant Christian pastors are the wolves, they think they're under the loving care of Jesus only to realize that the wolf in sheep's clothing is really about to devour them anytime soon.  

It really gets annoying to talk to them and they start misquoting Scripture even to those that really condemn them like Mark 7:8-13. They start throwing out every malicious lie possible like born again Christians hate Mary, that they believe in a license to sin because they teach the truth of eternal security (without even understanding what it means) and they can also start pretending to be the victim. All I can say is they've been warned and they really have a lot to answer for in eternity.