Note to Self: God is in Control!

There's always my tendency to think God's not in control when divine justice takes too slow, when the wicked prosper and when I'm being smeared at by wicked men. It's easy for me to take things into my hands believing everything is "going too slow" but who am I in the place of God to be the final judge of the person? Christians are called to judge and condemn sin as it should be. But it's not in their hands to ever judge the person when it comes to what's happening. 

God has His reasons to let things as they happen. If God was to just execute raw justice, everyone would go to Hell. God's justice is far greater than civil justice. One sin sends you to Hell. Hatred violates His standard for murder. Lust violates His standard for adultery. The very justice of God is a terrifying thing to sinful man. His mercy and grace are indeed very amazing because God has given people all the chances to be saved.

Am I asking for God to vindicate me immediately? Then I was thinking when I wasn't saved yet, I really hated the Bible. What if somebody was also wishing I'd go away and God did it? I'd be gone and I'd never have the chance to know salvation. Even if God lets a trial go on for years, He has a purpose. God may even be allowing me to face such trials so I can learn to be more loving to those who least deserve it because I too don't deserve forgiveness and salvation. So why should I not cultivate love and forgiveness towards people who persecute me?