I'm Afraid So Many People Are Going to Hell Because They Believe They Can Make It... Their Way!

I remembered how I used to love singing "I Did It My Way" before I got saved. After I got saved, that song was just really, REALLY repulsive to my ears. The reason is because Proverbs 14:12 and 15:25 warn us that there's a way that seems right to you but it leads to death. How many people these days end up DEAD because they follow what seems right to them rather than what's right for them? Worse, it happens more than once and yet people still refuse to repent even if after they've seen the awful consequences of sin. 

It's a huge problem people can be like this man in the photo. You preach to them, you invite them for church and they hear the salvation message but they refuse to get saved. You tell them that they're in need for salvation and what do they say? They go ahead and dump it, they think they can make it on their own only to find out that they were NEVER good enough for Heaven. If my own merit could save me from my sin then Christ died for nothing (Galatians 2:21). It was because I can't deliver myself from my sin like a sick person can't deliver one's self from sickness, I need Christ more than ever. While there's individual accountability for one's actions but some things are beyond your control. When you need help accept whatever help is offered as much as you'd offer help others in need!

The phrase "seemeth right unto a man" makes me think. How many people are so sinful yet they think they are so righteous? I've met a lot who live life like devils and think they're righteous. Many of them also belong to the religious crowd. Many religious but lost people are also living life like they have a license to sin. Works salvation is nothing more than doing good works to make up for your bad works. It's like I can continue in adultery and swindling as long as I'm religious and confessing my sin. Salvation by faith in Jesus Christ is deliverance from bad works and by God's grace you do good works because you're saved. It means that praise God that I'm saved and because of that I don't want to sin anymore.