Giving a Piece of My Mind Towards Roman Catholics Who Make Fun of the Lord's Supper

Aside from Roman Catholics who are making fun of baptism by immersion saying "It's just manmade" (They might as well tell that to John the Baptist and the apostles whom they claim the papacy and priesthood came from.) then they're also making fun of the Lord's supper. I was told that the bread and wine had actually become the Body and Blood of Christ in the literal sense with the doctrine called transubstantiation. 

They misquote John 6:53-55 which says in the Good News Translation, "Jesus said to them, “I am telling you the truth: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have life in yourselves. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them to life on the last day. For my flesh is the real food; my blood is the real drink." Aside from not really understanding that it's a figure of speech of accepting Jesus Christ for His entirety and not just in parts, it's time to raise the absurdity of their practices.

If and if transubstantiation were true as they claimed then they're missing a lot. Aside from the fact that giving of communion bread during morning, noon or afternoon doesn't make it the Lord's supper (because Jesus instituted the Lord's supper as an evening ritual) the laity also doesn't drink any of the wine while born again Christians do. If that's the case they're only eating the bread but not drinking the wine. So they don't have eternal life because they fail to drink the wine. Then born again Christians have eternal life because they drink the wine. But I know that drinking the wine and eating the bread won't save anyone's soul at all!

The doctrine of the Roman Catholic Mass itself is devilish to believe that it has really become the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. When Jesus said "this is my body" and "this is my blood" it's as symbolic as any illustration used like when I say, "Well this is Jesus feeding the multitude." in a children's storybook. The picture in the story book is not Jesus but only is an artist's conception of Jesus.