My Thoughts on Roman Catholic Apologists' Comments vs. Manny Pacquiao's Conversion to Born Again Christianity

I remembered the times Manny Pacquiao won and lost a boxing match. During the time he lost against the fight with Juan Manuel Marquez a few years ago, it's expected to see some childish accusations from die hard Roman Catholics. Some even claim that a "vision from the Blessed Virgin" came in concerning Pacquiao losing his blessings which is also questionable. Some say it's because he abandoned the Rosary that's why he lost. Then how are they going to explain that after his loss against Marquez that he had victories again. This time round, he has another victory so how are Roman Catholics going to explain his current victory.

Many Roman Catholic priests and their fellow apologists love the use of dirty tactics to demean the genuine born again Christians. Whether it'd be false converts going from Protestant to Catholic, the use of quack pastors in the fallacy of generalization - there's always been something up their sleeve. The whole notion that Pacquiao lost his material blessings because he became a born again Christian is stupid. Just because a person is rich doesn't automatically mean he's right with God. Just because a person is poor doesn't automatically mean he's not right with God. Many people today are rich but are lost and headed for Hell. Many people today are not rich but will someday be in Heaven. 

I don't see any Bible verse or anything from the Bible to suggest that Jesus said, "Come, follow me and you'll be wealthy, popular and famous. You'll never lose a single match!" Instead, He warned that following Him, you can LOSE everything for His sake and that's what the real Christian life is all about. You can lose your fame, your fortune, your friends, you can get disowned and everything for the cost of following Jesus but in the end it's worth it in eternity. I even thought that Pacquiao's knockout at the ring that time might be God telling him to stop boxing and start evangelizing. Sometimes, Christians are meant to suffer losses so they can be more effective for God. When you're prosperous, you tend to be arrogant but God wants humble servants so He's not going to even hesitate to take away your prosperity to make you more effective. In my experience as a growing Christian, even if I did complain about my circumstances but I later realized that Jesus never promised anyone who follows Him an easy life.

Many unsaved businessmen refuse to get saved because it's bad for their businesses. A respected Roman Catholic businessman can say, "No! If I leave the Church, the Pope will withhold his endorsement for my business and Mama Mary warned me if I did, I'll become dirt poor if I stopped praying the Rosary. You born again Christians are so poor. My riches prove I'm right with God because I spend my whole life trying to earn my way to Heaven." The situation is just like the rich young ruler. Many people today are too filled with their self-righteousness and obsession with money to why many people refuse to get saved.