I'm Still a King James Only Reader

Although some of my favorite preachers like John F. MacArthur, Paul David Washer, Robert C. Sproul, Tim Conway and James White aren't King James only-ists but I still feel like I'm a King James only-ist.

Back when I converted from Roman Catholicism to born again Christianity, I still read from the New International Version. It wasn't long until I heard a Baptist KJV-only preaching showing what's utterly wrong. Many times, the word "Lord" is removed which attacks the Lordship of Christ, there are missing verses (and yes, that's something not good), even many important words like Jehovah are removed. 

After embracing Reformed Theology and seeing that the translators of the King James were Calvinist scholars, I felt like, "It's time those who say they're Calvinists should go back to using only the King James!" I know many modern versions are easier to understand and some sound doctrine books quote from them but I stand firm on King James Only-ism.