My Thoughts on Billy Graham's Death

It's really upsetting at how Dr. Billy Graham has died at 99 years old. I can't be too certain about his eternal destiny but right now I want to assume he's in Hell right now. I admit, I used to admire Dr. Graham himself back when I was newly saved - until I started discovering his affair with the Popes. Pope John Paul II even called Dr. Graham as a brother-in-Christ. Other wolves who passed away (and used to support) are Robert Schuller of Hour of Power and Paul Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

Here's an interesting video that has Dr. Graham's real heretical move. No real honest to goodness pastor would even think of Roman Catholicism to be another Christian denomination. As a former Roman Catholic, I find it disgusting at how pastors like Dr. Graham had indirectly discouraged me from speaking out. I thank God I managed to read through several publications that actually helped affirm my worst fears about Roman Catholicism as a deadly system.

What makes me so upset is to think of how both Dr. Graham and the Pope considered each other as brothers. He was also a good friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and both were 33rd degree Freemasons. Dr. King had an audience with Pope Paul VI and spoke in Jesuit universities. Dr. Graham was no different with his ecumenical yoke. It's so upsetting at how Dr. Graham was even considered a friend of the Jesuits. Those Roman Catholic fanatics can deny it all they want but the "founder of born again Christianity" was indeed friends with Pope John Paul II.

The Catholic Herald even called him "friends among the Jesuits." just like Dr. King himself was honored by the Jesuits. It's a shame how his ministry had done many wonders in God's name. But right now, I could imagine the very terrible words that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 7:21-23. Many will come to Jesus on Judgment Day and brag of their great works. Yet Jesus would dismiss such people as having been never been His. 1 John 2:19 even warns of how the great apostasy would prove fake converts from the true ones. 

I don't want to deny that some people did get saved during the Billy Graham Crusades. I met some people who have had their lives changed. But what still disturbs me is how could Dr. Graham sugar coat the reality about Roman Catholicism? How can you attempt to reconcile Roman Catholicism's error with the biblical truth? There's a huge difference between faith resulting to works and adding faith to works in salvation. One makes works a result of salvation while the other requires works for salvation. There's a difference yet Dr. Graham still continues to insist that Roman Catholics are his brothers and sisters in Christ. While I admire a lot of his preaching against the common sins of society yet he also uses such causes to say, "Hey, we're fine with Rome!" I could agree with him going against homosexuality, abortion and the like but I can't agree with him with what he talks about Roman Catholicism. 

It really sickens me to think how some Evangelical circles still haven't avoided separating from him or praising him. Some Evangecials may be even honoring him as a man of God at this very moment I'm writing this entry. But right now I believe Dr. Graham isn't having a good time with the Lord right now. I would even want to believe that he's burning in Hell at this very moment. 

See also: