I'm Amazed to See Some Roman Catholic Extremists Say That Billy Graham Is the Founder of Born Again Christianity

The more I monitor Roman Catholics, the more I'm not at all surprised with how "united" they are . They can be very divided on what Evangelicals feel about Mary or whether or not Evangelicals are a.) their separated brethren or b.) heretics that they must exterminate or evangelize to. I'm currently hearing from some Roman Catholic extremists go as far as to call Billy Graham the "founder" of born again Christianity. I admit there have been Billy Graham Crusades and some people got saved in spite of the preacher himself is openly compromised with the Vatican. 

I remembered a documentary on the late John Paul II where there were also talks about "healing divisions". Some people were even shocked that aside from the Day of Pardon Mass that he also considered Billy Graham his brother in Christ. I used to listen to Graham preach when I was newly saved until I realized how many pastors I've been listening to where yoked with my former religion. I knew this not from any anti-Catholic site like the Calvinist ministry Iconbusters or the late Calvinist pastor Ian Paisley but from Graham's own words. That's why I haven't joined any more Billy Graham crusades after that.

Based on "logic" if and if Graham himself founded the born again Christian movement (which is a HUGE LIE) and the late John Paul II called the latter his "brother", then those Roman Catholic extremists should be ready to embrace those they consider born again Christians as their brothers and sisters in Christ instead of heretics to be exterminated or unbelievers to be converted. But as for me, no thanks to that offer because I stand by with what the Bible says. I'd rather be divided against the world by the truth and be united in the truth with those who are truly born again Christians. I don't care if Billy Graham supposedly apologized for the atrocities done in the past, it's probably only because they were uncovered by several former Roman Catholic priests and nuns who are now born again Christians.