I Have to Be Careful Not to Be a King James Only Nutjob
I'm pretty much a King James Only-ist and I prefer it over all the modern translations in English. I still tend to think that every modern version is corrupt especially with the problem of missing verses. But I do have one concern that I know a certain pastor who always fights with pastors who are either non-KJV only or who won't use a King James Bible. I thought about how Steven Anderson (one of the worst IFB and he has a very watered-down message of repentance) has actually made a fool out of himself in several interviews and not just the KJV Only controversy.
I don't think King James Only-ism is a real problem. Personally, I always get disturbed by missing verses and some missing words. That's why I don't use a New International Version of the Bible anymore. I don't trust modern translations. I consider James R. White as a brother-in-Christ but I don't think I could agree with his non-KJV Onlyism. On the other hand, I could really agree with him on what he calls the cultic version of the King James Only movement.
One of the biggest mistakes I made was to fail to see some cults reject the modern versions and embrace KJV Only. Even if these cults embrace KJV only but they do have a lot of unscriptural teachings such as conditional security while others teach easy believism. On the other hand, some churches I know that don't embrace KJV Onlyism are teaching sound doctrine. I've attended a few services from non-KJV only Baptist and Evangelical churches and they are teaching the right doctrine over the KJV Only cultists.
While I do hope to try and promote why you should stick to the KJV but I certainly hope I don't do it the same way as Anderson does it. I'd still like to have a talk with James R. White if God ever allows it so I can hear his side of the story without being like Anderson. But then again, I should also be careful that I don't become a KJV Only nutjob that will just cause unnecessary division or promote the truth the wrong way. As said, I believe in KJV Only but I need to speak the truth in love towards fellow Christians who aren't KJV Only.
I don't think King James Only-ism is a real problem. Personally, I always get disturbed by missing verses and some missing words. That's why I don't use a New International Version of the Bible anymore. I don't trust modern translations. I consider James R. White as a brother-in-Christ but I don't think I could agree with his non-KJV Onlyism. On the other hand, I could really agree with him on what he calls the cultic version of the King James Only movement.
One of the biggest mistakes I made was to fail to see some cults reject the modern versions and embrace KJV Only. Even if these cults embrace KJV only but they do have a lot of unscriptural teachings such as conditional security while others teach easy believism. On the other hand, some churches I know that don't embrace KJV Onlyism are teaching sound doctrine. I've attended a few services from non-KJV only Baptist and Evangelical churches and they are teaching the right doctrine over the KJV Only cultists.
While I do hope to try and promote why you should stick to the KJV but I certainly hope I don't do it the same way as Anderson does it. I'd still like to have a talk with James R. White if God ever allows it so I can hear his side of the story without being like Anderson. But then again, I should also be careful that I don't become a KJV Only nutjob that will just cause unnecessary division or promote the truth the wrong way. As said, I believe in KJV Only but I need to speak the truth in love towards fellow Christians who aren't KJV Only.
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