I Want to Know God More Each Day

Here's a beautiful song by Steve Green called "I Want to Know You More". I can't help but feel the lyrics of this song is what I wish I only knew in my Christian life. I wish I could only desire to know God more and more and hate more of the evil within me. I want to work out my salvation with fear and trembling by God's grace (Philippians 2:12-13). 

There's no such thing as salvation without resulting in sanctification. If you're going to get saved then you're saved from sin. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Ephesians 2:8-10 and Titus 2:11-14 tell us that God's grace brings forth good works. Romans 3:31 says that the Law is not made void by faith but it's fulfilled by faith. James 2:14-26 says that faith without works is good as dead. A real faith produces good works as a result of salvation. Matthew 7:14-20 warns that people are known by their fruits.

Why am I obsessed with good works and Bible study? It's because God is an infinite being and one moment in life isn't enough to know Him. I seek to grow in Him. I've started with devotionals and it wasn't enough. I've read the Bible cover to cover but I don't want to stop. I'm reading some commentaries to help me understand the Bible but it's not enough. I'm not satisfied until I get to know more of God and what He has for me. The Christian life is calling to know God more, never being satisfied with the current state and seeking His grace to know Him better.

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