I'm Disgusted to Learn That Ellen Degeneres Got the Presidential Medal of Freedom!

One good reason why America is even in worse shape is no thanks to Barack H. Obama's vile policies. I'm getting tired of these people calling themselves as liberals because Isaiah 32:5 warns that no longer shall the vile be called a liberal. The term liberal is now so misuse and abused as love and many other words no thanks to a culture that demands you to be politically correct than biblically correct. A few good examples is how Pontius Pilate knew that by Roman law he can't execute an innocent man but he gave in to the angry mob or how Herod Antipas decided to behead John the Baptist out of a rash vow. Giving Ellen Degeneres the Presidential Medal of Freedom is no different either. Somehow, it's better to call her Ellen DEGENERATE because there's nothing regenerate with what she did. 

I don't care if people say it's perfectly legal. No, what's legal is not necessarily ethical. Mistreatment of one's slaves was legal but it wasn't right. Herod the Great's act of murdering all those innocents was legal but he was certainly in the wrong. No matter what sins that man declares to be perfectly legal doesn't change morality. Today, the sin of Herod the Great is even further repeated when abortion clinics are now legalized by authority figures who hate the One who anointed them. The absolute truth of the matter is that homosexuality is still abhorrent and it still is.