I Don't Find Bad News Surprising

There's really one thing I can always tell myself is this truth: the world isn't going to get better in the long run. How do I know that? The Bible says in Matthew 24 that the world will get worse. When I try to tell people about it, all they tell me people like me are why the world is getting worse. Why do they say it's people like me who are making the world worse?

I find these people nitpick on my faults never mind that they hypocritically embrace all the worst sinners who've done worse. My faults are so big to them never mind that their religious con men have deceived people too many times. They still praise a popular person who's a habitual adulterer as praiseworthy while my shortcomings are so big to them. They think that my intolerance for other religions makes the world worse never mind radical Christianity and radical Islam have a more different mindset on how to spread the faith. For them, I'm just another hypocrite never mind that they're no better sinners. Worse, many of them think they're so morally upright while condoning to serious sins like same sex marriage, abortion, pornography, bestiality and just about everything that feeds on their sinful nature. Romans 2:21-22 warns against double standard living yet the world does it anyway. 

Do I claim myself to be better than anyone? The answer is no because without God I'm just lost to sin. In doing good works, resisting sin and living in service to God I don't dare take the credit. 1 Corinthians 15:10 says that it's only by God's grace. What gives a righteous life to the Christian? Titus 2:11-14 describes the wonderful truth that Christian good works manifest due to the grace of God. No grace of God ever leaves the Christian barren and unfulfilled. For the world, that's a lie because the Gospel attacks their pride of life, lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh. They want to do good not to glorify God but themselves. They think it's okay to make "little white lies" to their children but get mad when their children lie to them. In short, the world is becoming more and more rebellious against God each day. The signs of the Lord's coming may be closer than anybody thinks! That's why I really wanted to believe that December 21, 2012 was going to be the Rapture but again, no man knows but the Father only.

Bad news isn't surprising for this reason: Romans 5:12 says that the sin of Adam brought a curse upon the world. Why do we die? It's because of sin. Why is there sickness and just everything bad? It's because of sin. The more I read Genesis 3, the more I think about the whole problem was Adam's disobedience. There's no use blaming Eve because he had that responsibility to be over her. Even before the fall, Adam was already in charge of Eve. God didn't accept Adam blaming Eve nor Eve blaming Satan. No, stop blaming Satan for your sins nor should anyone keep bringing up the sin of Adam and Eve because you have your own faults. But you still can't deny how Adam's sin brought the curse into the world.

But there's still wonderful news in the midst of all the bad news. As much as the bad news shouldn't be ignored the good news should be told as well. Adam brought death but Christ brought life to whoever will believe in Him. The whole issue is that God still has His limited mercy towards sinners. Do you want to be saved? 1 Corinthians 6:2 tells that you must believe in Him now. The Gospel is that you're a helpless sinner and Christ is the Savior. When Jesus Christ came and die on the cross and rose again, when you believe in Him you are saved from sin and you have eternal life. Sad to say so many people don't want salvation. Instead, they foolishly choose to keep blaming God for everything wrong in their lives.