I'm Learning More About Scriptures from the Bible Expositors

Way back, I really didn't think too much about the expositors, I used to think Reformation or Reformed Theology added "works" to salvation. But after checking out sites like Grace To You and Ligonier Ministries or listening to more of Paul Washer's sermons, I realized that a lot of stuff were taken out of context. I can't remember any time when any of the Bible Expositors were adding works to salvation or saying you could lose your salvation. Instead, they warned about the possibilities of false conversion like when a person claims to be saved but evidence says otherwise.

So what's the difference with learning from the expositors? I'm now more focused on the Bible than unproven speculations. It's time to stop getting one's sources from publications or ministries that have the tendency to misrepresent certain people as criminals or murderers when they aren't. James White at Alpha and Omega Ministries has shown more professionalism in focusing with Roman Catholic doctrine while discussing with a Roman Catholic apologist rather than talk about conspiracy theories. Instead, he focused on debunking Roman Catholic doctrine with the Bible.

I believe one good reason why the "Easy Baptists" or "Easy Christians" want to discredit expository preachers is because they hate to study the Bible in context. Some of them want Ephesians 2:8-9 without Ephesians 2:10. They continually want to defend the doctrine of perpetually carnal Christianity when that doctrine is just false. Christians can fall into states of carnality, they're not perfect but there's a difference between a Christian who sins and the unbeliever who sins. To avoid getting exposed and corrected the followers of Easy Christianity decide to smear expository preachers with nonsense like that Calvinists are works salvationists, occultists, Jesuit agents and whatever smear or false accusation they can imagine against good Christian workers. A lot of them have even discredited Charles H. Spurgeon because he's a Calvinist. For some of them, they've gone as far to say Calvinists are Jesuits all because Loyola and Calvin used to go to the same school together. But the fallacy can be addressed that if I went to the same school as a notorious criminal then does that mean I'm a criminal? Certainly not! 

I also want to address that pseudo-Christian cults don't even do proper Scriptural exegesis. Instead, they go for out-of-context preaching. If they do, their false doctrines will be exposed. The Roman Catholic institution even forbade the Scriptures to be read claiming people can "go crazy" if they read it. Other pseudo-Christian institutions have the right of interpretation only to its executive minister or mission president. That's why anybody who learns to take the Bible into context is a dangerous threat to their power. Cult leaders don't want their power shaken in one way or another.

The best way for anyone to counter Scriptures taken out of context is to take them into context. It's the study of exegesis and that's what the expositors do in their preaching. Expository preaching seeks to take everything into context to minimize mistakes in interpretation. It's all about handling the Word of God correctly (2 Timothy 2:15). People are called to study the Scriptures but they need experienced people to help them. Ephesians 4:10-12 says that God has sent pastors and teachers to help in the ministry. Jeremiah 3:15 calls for pastors after God's own heart.