I'm Getting Annoyed at How Repentance of Sin Is Taught As "Works Salvation"
There's the current heresy that says that to teach people to repent of their sins is "works salvation". But do they know what repentance of sins mean? Repentance is taken from the word "metanoneia" which means a change in mind which begets a change in purpose. It's an inward turn from sin not an external turn from sin.
I remembered that song "Victory in Jesus" and one of the biggest messages the song is that, "And I repented of my sins and won the victory." The second stanza has it, "And then I cried, Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit." That's what it means to repent of one's sins. Repentance of sins is a change of mind about one's sins. This repentance comes when the person realizes that God's standard is too perfect. You should obey not eight out of ten or nine out of ten. Romans 3:19 and James 2:10-11 says if you want to work your way to Heaven then never break the Law even once.
One of the worst heresies circulating in the "Easy Christianity" churches and worse some of them are even carrying the name Baptist. That makes it worse because classic Baptist preachers like Charles H. Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards and John Gill taught repentance of sin. The basis of repentance of sin as part of the Gospel is taught in Luke 24:47 says, "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem."
What does it mean to repent of sin for salvation? How can a person repent of unbelief without a certain degree of repentance of sin first? This repentance comes with the person's realization that they can't keep the whole Law and they need Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This doesn't mean doing good works to make up for one's sin. Instead, it's all about realizing you're wretched and sinful and only Jesus can save you.
What does it mean to repent of sin for salvation? How can a person repent of unbelief without a certain degree of repentance of sin first? This repentance comes with the person's realization that they can't keep the whole Law and they need Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This doesn't mean doing good works to make up for one's sin. Instead, it's all about realizing you're wretched and sinful and only Jesus can save you.