I Still Stand Firm on Sola Scriptura

I noticed many Roman Catholic apologists tend to tell me that Bible alone will get you into a load of error. The real issue is that the Bible contradicts the sinner. The Roman Catholic institution BANNED Bible reading to favor their own tradition. What's even funnier is that some Roman Catholic apologists are already using Mark 7:8-9 to tell me that I'm rejecting God's Word to "keep my tradition". 

Does the Bible go against tradition in general? The answer is only if such traditions goes against the Word of God. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 that that the only tradition to be followed is from the apostolic writings. Nowhere in the apostolic writings is it required that priests must be celibate. Ephesians 4:11 in fact mentions NO PRIEST as part of the New Testament. You have apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers but no priests. Both Douay and Good News Translation (both approved versions for Roman Catholics) mention pastors in Ephesians 4:11 and not priests. For Roman Catholics to call their priests as "shepherds" but to oppose the office of the pastor is really contradictory. Also, 1 Timothy 3:1-7 calls for the pastors or church leaders to be a husband of one wife, to run a family well and 1 Corinthians 7:32-25 doesn't talk about pastors. Celibacy is up to the layman but never for the pastor. Leviticus 21:7 even requires the Old Testament priests to be married.

I'll admit that yes Sola Scriptura is indeed tradition. It's the tradition of standing by the Bible as the standard for right and wrong. Many people reject it because it gets in their way. Like Roman Catholic apologists say, "Well issues like slavery and death penalty were approved in the Bible." Did they even read the rules concerning slavery that people were asked to treat their slaves well or that they were to be set free on the seventh year of their service? Did they even ever understand why Jesus opposed the Pharisees in John 8:1-11? Did they even know why Jesus went against the Pharisees? Today, the Roman Catholic priests are the modern day Pharisees.

The whole idea Martin Luther invented Sola Scriptura is even stupid. The Reformation didn't invent it either but only affirmed it. It's because if anybody stated Sola Scriptura, the Bible did. Before the Old Testament was complete, they relied on whatever available books were there. They had the Pentateuch then later they had the writings of the prophets. No new revelation was added until God gave it and every new revelation remained consistent when it came to God's say on laws and morals. And when Jesus and the apostles preached, it was always Scriptures in context. Nothing more, nothing less was used to determine right and wrong than the Scriptures themselves.